Types of Pavers Available
LI Paver Types | Dix Hills Contractors
Pavers are always a wonderful choice to increase the value of your home and property. Stone is durable and beautiful, and adds a touch of quality that gives your home a whole new feeling. There are so many different ways you can use stone pavers, and they will last for years through even the worst weather. Humans have been building with stone since we first made dwellings for our families. It retains that timeless quality today, bringing beauty and value to your home.

Pavers can be used as edging or highlights, for example at an entryway, or can be used for an entire patio or walkway. You are really only limited to your imagination. What about a beautiful courtyard paved in bluestone, or a granite walkway? Stone and masonry options include your front entrance, patio, concrete driveways, walks and paths, pool surrounds, wherever you want the beauty of stone, pavers are always in style.
Your stone pavers will be sure to match the style and colors of your home, because they come in a huge variety of colors, shapes and sizes. You can get either natural stone pavers or concrete pavers. Natural stone pavers are made of granite, bluestone, or sandstone. Concrete pavers are formed, dyed and stamped to look like natural stone. These are available at a lower price while still giving you the aesthetic and function of natural stone pavers. Whichever you choose, they will add a wonderful new dimension to your home. Contact our general contractors to get started!
How to Choose the Right Siding
LI Choose Your Siding | Long Island General Contractors
Installing beautiful siding on your home has so many benefits. It increases your home’s efficiency, and lower your heating and cooling costs. It can have a dramatic effect on your home’s curb appeal, and can increase your resale value dramatically. Our East Northport siding defends your home against the elements, and lasts decades longer than even the best paint job. (more…)
What to Look for in a Contractor
LI Contractor Selection | Long Island Renovations
There are many ways to choose a contractor, and it’s a very important decision to make. You are entrusting someone with your Greenlawn kitchen remodeling or other projects, and it is important to find the right person. But how do you know who is good and who is not out of such a huge field of choices? (more…)
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Kitchen Remodeling Ideas
LI Kitchen Remodeling | East Northport Contractors
It’s common knowledge that a great way to increase the resale value of your home is to remodel your kitchen. If you’re not planning to sell, installing a brand new kitchen can be a dream come true. In either situation, there are definite steps you can take to get the most bang for your buck. Once you have set your budget ideas for kitchen remodeling and hired your contractor, consider the following options. (more…)
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